SPAIN – The World Jewish Congress, in collaboration with its Spanish affiliate the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE), and Centro Sefarad-Israel, hosted a seminar for Members of the LXXVI Promotion of the Diplomatic Career at the Diplomatic School of Spain.
Entitled “Jewish Communities and Contemporary Challenges,” the seminar is the second in what is intended to be a series of events which began in December 2023 during Spain’s EU Presidency. The meeting was officially opened by Ambassador-Director of the Diplomatic School of Spain, Cecilia Robles Cartes, and Director General of Centro Sefarad-Israel Jaime Moreno Bau. Ambassador Robles Cartes emphasized the vital role of Jewish heritage in shaping Spanish identity and stressed the importance of combating discrimination and intolerance, especially in times of rising division and social discord. Both speakers highlighted the gathering’s significance, which aimed to provide diplomatic cadets with a deeper understanding of Jewish life in Europe as they prepare for their future foreign postings.
The first part of the seminar provided a comprehensive overview of Jewish life in Spain and the contemporary manifestations of antisemitism, presented by FCJE President David Obadía, and President of the Federation of Jewish Youth in Spain (FEJJE) Yael Sanchez, who is also a current WJC JD Academy member. This was followed by an engaging discussion with World Jewish Congress Executive Vice President Maram Stern, who addressed pressing global issues impacting Jewish communities worldwide, with a special focus on developments in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East.
The event concluded with a reception attended by officials from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israeli Embassy in Spain.
The Jewish community in Spain is experiencing remarkable growth, with an estimated population of 100,000. The World Jewish Congress, in close partnership with the Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain (FCJE), is actively engaging with the Spanish government to help ensure the conditions necessary for Jewish life to not only exist, but truly flourish.